That One Sentence Proof

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So... I've seen this proof about 4 years ago and at that time I wasn't mathematically strong enough to understand what was going on with this proof. However, the proof is explained in a lecture of Number Theory I today so I'm writing what I understood here.

Lemma. Let XX be a finite set, and let f ⁣:XXf \colon X \to X be a function such that ff=idXf \circ f = \mathrm{id}_X (we call such function "involution"). Then the parity of the number of fixed points of ff matches the parity of the cardinality of XX. In particular, if X|X| is odd then there exists a fixed point of ff.

Proof. Since XX is finite, we can give an algorithm that runs in finite time as the following. Let SS be the empty set initially. While SXS \ne X pick xXSx \in X \setminus S and pair it with f(x)f(x), then insert both xx and f(x)f(x) into SS. If they are the same, then xx is a fixed point, otherwise, a pair of distinct elements is counted (note that if xSx \notin S then we're sure that f(x)Sf(x) \notin S also because if f(x)f(x) were to be in SS then either f(x)=xf(x) = x' for some old xx', which f(x)=f(f(x))=xf(x') = f(f(x)) = x must've already been in SS, a contradiction, or f(x)=f(x)f(x) = f(x') for some old xx' in which case xx' and f(x)f(x') were already paired and inserted to SS, a contradiction). We keep repeating this process until S=XS = X. Then this gives the following equation.

X=2pairs counted+fixed points |X| = 2|\text{pairs counted}| + |\text{fixed points}|

We modulo this equation by 22 and see that the parity of X|X| must be equal to the parity of the number of fixed points.

In the particular case, if X|X| is odd then it is not possible that there is no fixed point. \square

One Sentence Proof with multiple sentences. (Zagier, idea from Heath-Brown, inspired by Liouville) The idea of that one sentence proof is to prove the existence of positive integers a,ba, b such that a2+b2=pa^2 + b^2 = p when p1(mod4)p \equiv 1 \pmod{4} is a prime. We consider the set X={(a,b,c)Z>0 ⁣:a2+4bc=p}X = \{(a, b, c) \in \mathbb{Z}_{>0} \colon a^2 + 4bc = p\}, and consider the involution ff defined as

f ⁣:{XX(a,b,c)(a,c,b). f \colon \begin{cases} X &\to X\\ (a, b, c) &\mapsto (a, c, b). \end{cases}

Since ff swaps bb and cc, if ff has an odd number of fixed point then there must be at least once that b=cb = c so that the swapping gives a fixed point. Once that happens, we see that there is a tuple of the form (a,b,b)(a, b, b) in XX, meaning that a2+4bb=pa^2 + 4bb = p, that is, a2+(2b)2=pa^2 + (2b)^2 = p, which completes the proof. Now, by the lemma, it is enough to show that X|X| is odd, and this will show that ff has a fixed point.

To show that X|X| is odd, we begin by defining another involution gg as the following.

g ⁣:{XX(a,b,c){(a+2c,c,bac)if a<bc(2ba,b,ab+c)if bc<a<2b(a2b,ab+c,b)if a>2b. g \colon \begin{cases} X &\to X\\ (a, b, c) &\mapsto \begin{cases} (a+2c, c, b-a-c) & \text{if } a < b-c\\ (2b-a, b, a-b+c) & \text{if } b-c < a < 2b\\ (a-2b, a-b+c, b) & \text{if } a > 2b. \end{cases} \end{cases}

Now we need to check three things. First, gg is well-defined. This is not hard to see--the only undefined case is when a=bca = b-c and when a=2ba = 2b. If a=bca = b-c then a2+4bc=(bc)2+4bc=(b+c)2a^2 + 4bc = (b-c)^2 + 4bc = (b+c)^2. This cannot be prime since it's a square! If a=2ba = 2b then p=a2+4bc=4b2+4bcp = a^2 + 4bc = 4b^2 + 4bc is divisible by 44, a contradiction.

Second, gg is an involution. Well this is the boring part... but you get it. We check three cases: a<bca < b-c and see that if (α,β,γ):=g(a,b,c)(\alpha, \beta, \gamma) := g(a,b,c) then α>2β\alpha > 2\beta, so g(α,β,γ)g(\alpha, \beta, \gamma) must go to the third case, which gives back (a,b,c)(a, b, c). The second case is when bc<a<2bb-c < a < 2b and the third case is 2b<a2b < a. They are tedious and similar to check.

Third, the only fixed point of gg is (1,1,p14)(1, 1, \frac{p-1}{4}). Well the existence is simple: just plug in (1,1,p14)(1, 1, \frac{p-1}{4}) and check that it belongs to XX. The uniqueness can now be seen by the following. Suppose (a,b,c)(a, b, c) is another fixed point of gg, then g(a,b,c)=(a,b,c)g(a, b, c) = (a, b, c). The only possible case for this is the case that bc<a<2bb-c < a < 2b (trying to equate (a,b,c)(a, b, c) with (a+2c,c,bac)(a+2c, c, b-a-c) gives a problem that c=0c = 0, and trying to equate (a,b,c)(a, b, c) with (a2b,ab+c,b)(a-2b, a-b+c, b) gives a problem that b=0b = 0). And therefore, (a,b,c)=(2ba,b,ab+c)(a, b, c) = (2b-a, b, a-b+c). This means a=ba = b. Plugging back, we have a2+4ac=pa^2 + 4ac = p, but pp is prime so aa must be 11. Now cc is constrained to be p14\frac{p-1}{4} automatically.

With these three facts, we know that gg is an involution with exactly one fixed point, so X|X| is odd. Since X|X| is odd, ff must have a fixed point too, so there is (a,b,b)X(a, b, b) \in X such that a2+4bb=pa^2 + 4bb = p and this completes the proof. \square