Area of a circle

Yes! Today is the π\pi day! So I think I should write something about π\pi a little bit.

Obviously, the area of a circle is one of the most popular topics. So, sure, I'm writing it here. Well, why would I write it when it's already popular? Because somehow basic proofs are misleading in some sense.

The famous basic proof is in this form:

  1. Divide the circle into nn sectors.
  2. Rearrange the sectors in an alternating form.
  3. Each sector resembles a triangle, i.e., it can be approximated by a triangle.
  4. The height of each triangle is rr and the width is 2πrn\frac{2\pi r}{n}, so the area is 122πrnr=πr2n\frac{1}{2} \frac{2\pi r}{n} r = \frac{\pi r^2}{n}.
  5. Since there are nn triangles, the area is πr2nn=πr2\frac{\pi r^2}{n} n = \pi r^2. Therefore, the area is πr2\pi r^2.

I want to picture this as clear as possible, so here's a figure (the red triangle has height tends to rr and width tends to 2πrn\frac{2\pi r}{n}):

The reason I don't like this proof is because of the word resembles, or can be approximated, because to what extent can someone say something resembles another thing? To what degree can you say a shape is approximated by another? This is not so clear, so I'll present another proof, because I like this one more.

Note. Both proofs, in modern sense, are not fully rigorous. In order to claim a proof to be rigorous, one must rigorously define the area of a shape first, which is actually a more complicated task in the modern mathematics.

The proof I like

Surely, I'm not the author, but I've already forgotten who wrote it (If I'm not mistaken, I believe it was Archimedes who proved using this, and the method is called the method of exhaustion), so let me present it here.

Consider a circle. Draw a regular triangle inside the circle such that each vertex touches the circle. Draw another regular triangle outside the circle such that each side touches the circle. Let p3p_3 denote the area of the inner triangle. Let q3q_3 denote the area of the outer triangle. Repeat this for a square, a pentagon, a hexagon, etc., so that we have two sequences (p3,p4,)(p_3, p_4, \dots) and (q3,q4,)(q_3, q_4, \dots).

The inner shape is in yellow, and the outer shape is in green. Now let us calculate pkp_k and qkq_k for any integer k3k \geq 3.

Consider an inner kk-gon. It's made up of kk isosceles triangles, suppose each triangle has width wkw_k and height hkh_k, then each triangle has area 12wkhk\frac{1}{2} w_k h_k, and the total area of the kk-gon is 12wkhkk\frac{1}{2} w_k h_k k.

In the same fashion, suppose the outer kk-gon is divided to kk triangles where each has width WkW_k and height HkH_k, then the total area is 12WkHkk\frac{1}{2} W_k H_k k.

This gives us the relation

12hkwkkA12HkWkk \frac{1}{2}h_k w_k k \leq A \leq \frac{1}{2} H_k W_k k for all integer k3k \geq 3, where AA is the area of the circle.

Here, we skip the rigorous step and conclude that both sides (i.e. 12hkwkk\frac{1}{2}h_k w_k k and 12HkWkk\frac{1}{2} H_k W_k k) tend to the same value as kk tends to infinity, so AA must be that value. This can be convinced using the picture above: as kk tends to infinity, both the inner polygon and outer polygon become closer and closer.

Now, consider the triangles from the standard proof: its width is 2πk\frac{2\pi}{k} and its height is rr. Observe that wk2πrkWkw_k \leq \frac{2 \pi r}{k} \leq W_k and hkrHkh_k \leq r \leq H_k (in particular, Hk=rH_k = r always). The second inequality is obvious, but the first one might not be so obvious. How do I convince myself? Take a look at the perimeter of the inner polygon, which is kwkk w_k. It is surely less than the perimeter of the circle (which, by definition, is 2πr2 \pi r). And the perimeter of the circle is surely less than the perimeter of the outer polygon, which is kWkk W_k. This convinces us that kwk2πrkWkk w_k \leq 2 \pi r \leq k W_k, so wk2πrkWkw_k \leq \frac{2 \pi r}{k} \leq W_k.


0wk2πrkWk0hkrHk 0 \leq w_k \leq \frac{2 \pi r}{k} \leq W_k \\ 0 \leq h_k \leq r \leq H_k

We deduce that 0wkhk2πr2kWkHk0 \leq w_k h_k \leq \frac{2 \pi r^2}{k} \leq W_k H_k. This proves that 12wkhkkπr212WkHkk\frac{1}{2} w_k h_k k \leq \pi r^2 \leq \frac{1}{2} W_k H_k k.

Wait! We still cannot deduce that A=πr2A = \pi r^2. What we deduce now is that both AA and πr2\pi r^2 lies between the area of the inner polygon and the outer polygon. And since both polygons tends to the same area, then AA must, in fact, be πr2\pi r^2. (Because AA can't be smaller than πr2\pi r^2 and AA can't be bigger than πr2\pi r^2.) This completes the convince. \square

Filling in the gaps

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, but I think one can fill in the gaps of this proof by a basic framework of analysis. This includes:

And yes, to actually fill in all the gaps, one need a stronger statement/assumption. For example, that the ratio between the circumference and the diameter of any circle is constant, and that there is a way to define area (at least for "simple" shapes, to make sense of the area of a circle). I think Euclid's five postulates is also needed? (not sure)